This is the full script for Only Fools And Horses Series 5 Episode 3 – The Longest Night.
While out shopping at Top-Buys, the Trotters are taken to the supermarket manager’s office.
The Longest Night Full Script
The Trotters are at the checkout. They are packing the bags with food,. Sheila, the girl on the counter, couldn’t give a toss and speaks in monotone.
Sheila – Twenty nine pounds and forty eight pence.
Del – Sorry?
Sheila – Twenty nine pounds and forty eight pence.
Del – Did you sue ’em?
Sheila – Who?
Del – The charm school.
The Trotters are going through the exit doors. A large sign on the door reads ‘Topbuy Superstores are offering one thousand pounds to our millionth customer!’
Albert – (Referring back to Sheila) Miserable little cow!
Del – Yeah, right, we won’t come here again. In future we’ll take our custom down to Patel’s Multi-Mart. They might be a bit dearer but at least they smile when they take yer money… Rodney, what’s up with you?
Rodney – It’s him innit! Whacked me straight in the shins with that shopping trolley.
Albert – I couldn’t help it! That trolley had a mind of its own.
Rodney – Oh, what are you saying, it was intellectually superior to you, is that it?
Albert – Don’t get sarky Rodney, it don’t become yer!
Rodney – Well, a broken leg don’t become…
Del – Alright you two will ya.
Tom Clark, the store’s Head of Security, follows the Trotters from the store.
Tom – Excuse me, one moment Gentlemen. Tom Clark, Topbuy Superstores. I wonder if I could have five minutes of your time please?
Del – Certainly Tom. Why what’s up then?
Tom – If you’d like to accompany me to the manager’s office I’ll explain there.
Rodney spots the ‘millionth customer’ notice. He nudges Del and points it out to him.
Del – Here, just a minute – what is your game? Oh yes.
Tom – Can I help you with any of the shopping?
Del – Oh yeah, thanks a lot. Lead on MacDougal!
Mr Peterson, the manager, is talking on the phone to his wife. We get the strong impression he is under the thumb.
Mr Peterson – Yes…yes…yes…But Valerie …darling, listen to me for a moment! Why do you want to buy a brand-new car?
Tom holds the door open for them and the Trotters enter the corridor.
Del – Alright ta.
Rodney – (To Albert) Look, I’m sorry I snapped at you back there, but I’m trying to give up smoking you see…
Albert – That’s alright son, forget it. Er, I wonder which one of us it is?
Rodney – What d’you mean?
Albert – Well, there can only be one millionth customer can’t there!
Del – Yeah, well it’s got to be me innit, ‘cos I paid for it all didn’t I?
Rodney – Yeah, but I gave you my housekeeping!
Albert – And I gave you half my pension!
Tom enters followed by the Trotters.
Del – Alright, alright, don’t go on about it!
Rodney – Del, we’ll share the money fairly!
Del – Alright, leave it to me, Rodney.
Rodney – No, we’ll share it fairly!
Mr Peterson – (On phone) Look I can’t talk now, somebody’s come into the office! No, I’m not quite sure what time I’ll be home darling. You’re not cooking anything special are you? Entrecote Rioja…Yes, my favourite! I’ll give you a call just before I leave. Bye. (Smiles at the Trotters) The wife!
Del – Whose?
Mr Peterson – So, what’s it all about Tom?
Tom – I stopped these gentlemen as they were leaving the store sir, as I have reason to believe they have some stolen items in their possession!
Mr Peterson – Dear, dear, dear!
Del – Stolen items??
Rodney – What are you on about??
Albert – We paid for these groceries!!
Del – That’s right, twenty nine pounds and forty eight pence.
Rodney – Ask the girl at the checkout!
Tom – They came quietly sir, usually a sign of guilt!
Del – Of course we did, because we thought we’d won the prize didn’t we?
Mr Peterson – Alright Tom leave it with me …and well done.
Tom – Thank you sir.
Tom exits.
Del – Come on, come on, let’s go, let’s go.
They move towards the door.
Mr Peterson – Gentlemen, if I press this button, security will be waiting for you outside the door. And it might appear to the magistrate that you were trying to evade arrest!
Del – Now wait a minute. Look, we paid for all these goods – and we’ve got a bill to prove it!
Rodney – Ah yes, and we’ve got a bill to prove it!
Del – Show him the bill Rodney!
Rodney – What?
Del – The bill!
Rodney – I ain’t got it!
Del -Well of course you must. One of you must have!
Albert – Don’t look at me I never even saw it!
Del – Yes you did, don’t you remember…
Rodney – She took it out the till.
Del – Er… (To Mr Peterson) Actually we haven’t got the bill!
Mr Peterson – What a shame. Gentlemen, there are two ways of handling this unfortunate situation. One; we can remain here in the office and discuss it like civilized people, or two; I can call the police! Why don’t you talk it over amongst yourselves while I carry on with this.
Albert – There must be some way of proving we paid for all this!
Del – There most probably is Albert, but what happens if the Old Bill starts asking questions about all my gear and Rodney’s watch??
Albert – Yeah I s’pose you’re right.
Rodney – You mean my watch is knocked off?
Del – Ssshhh! Listen, alright, it’s not up to us to prove our innocence, right. It’s up to them to prove our guilt. So, all we’ve got to do is say nothing at all. Right. Just keep schtum! We’ll be out of here in ten minutes flat, alright.
The clock on the wall says six o’clock. Lennox Gilbey enters. He is black, 20 years-old and is charming and confident. He smiles and greets total strangers who ignore him.
Lennox – Hello there, how are you? I’m very well thank you. Lovely weather for this time of year, yes. Yes it is. (Sings) ‘Some enchanted evening.’
He sees an old lady trying to reach a tin of spam on a high shelf.
Lennox (Cont’d) – Allow me. That’s very reasonable isn’t it? I think I’ll have two.
Lennox places the tins into his pockets.
Lennox (Cont’d) – You take care now.
He moves around the store openly stealing but with a smile. Packets of biscuits are bulging in his pockets, etc. Sheila notices him.
Sheila – Mr Clarke!
Tom – It’s alright Sheila, I’ve seen him, leave it to me.
At the tobacco kiosk.
Lennox – 20 Rothmans and a box of matches, love.
Woman – That’s one pound forty six please.
Lennox – Put it on my account! You take care now.
Lennox exits without paying.
Woman – You come back here with that stuff!
Tom – Alright son, this is the end of your fun and games!
Lennox – (Innocently) What have I done?? Oh no? Don’t tell me, I haven’t paid for these have I?
Tom – Haven’t paid for? Get back in there, you’re nicked!
Lennox – No, no, I have this problem you se, memory blanks!
Tom – Get in there!
Lennox – Listen to the man. The other day I went into Woolworths. When I got home I had a pair of binoculars, 12 packets of Strepsils and a roof rack for a Cortina and I didn’t know!!
Tom –
Yes, tell that to the manager, you’re going up to the office.
Lennox – Please man. I’ll go away for this. Look, I’ve only just come out!
Tom – You should have thought of that before-hand! Come on, up to the office.
Lennox – Please don’t take me up to the office. Give me a break will yer??
Tom – I’ll give you a break if you keep on! Come on.
Lennox – Look, please don’t take me up to the office!
The Trotters are beginning to show worry. Mr Peterson is lounging back in his chair eyeing them, tapping his ball-point pen on his teeth.
Del – That’s a very nasty habit you got there you know. You can lose your teeth doing that.
Mr Peterson – Really? And how would you know that?
Del – ‘Cos I’m gonna stick my fist right down your throat if you don’t pack it in!!
Rodney – Oi, oi, oi, Del!
Del – Well Rodney, he’s giving me the right hump he really is.
Lennox – (To Tom) Don’t take me to the office!
Tom shoves Lennox in.
Tom – Here’s another one for you.
Lennox produces a gun from an inside pocket and points it at Mr Peterson.
Lennox – Okay, open up the safe!
Tom – Alright son, now take it easy!
Lennox – (Referring to the Trotters’) Who are they?
Mr Peterson – Er, they, they’re here on suspicion of shoplifting.
Lennox – Oh! Move. (To Del) Ain’t I seen you somewhere before!
Del – No, no, no. I ain’t been anywhere before, have I Rodney, eh?
Rodney – No, no. He’s the stay at home type all the time.
Lennox – (To Mr Peterson) Go on, open up the safe.
Mr Peterson – Yes, of course!
Lennox – (To Del and Rodney) I’m a right villain I am! A real hard nut!
Del – Yes triffic! Yes.
Lennox – Hey, what’s with the hands in the air?
Del – Well you’ve got a gun in your other hand.
Lennox – Come on, let’s not be formal, put ’em down. D’you know the secret of my success?
Del – No, no.
Lennox – Planning! No detail is left unturned, no stone unchecked. I plan everything down to the last second!
Mr Peterson – Excuse me, I’m terribly sorry but I can’t open the safe!
Lennox – (To Tom) What’s he say to me??
Tom – (To Mr Peterson) Come on now, don’t be a prat sir! Open the safe for the nice man.
Mr Peterson – I can’t open it, the combination won’t work! What’s the time?
Lennox – It’s about twenty past five.
Albert – No, it’s quarter past six.
Lennox – Bloody watch, it’s always going wrong! Me mum only bought it for me a month ago down the market!
Rodney looks at Del.
Mr Peterson – I didn’t realise it was that late! I won’t be able to open the safe. You see, it’s fitted with a time-lock which comes into operation at 6pm!
Lennox – (To Tom) Is this true??
Tom – Yeah, I’m sorry son, you’re 15 minutes late!
Lennox – Bloody watch!! So when does it switch off?
Mr Peterson – Tomorrow at 8am!
Lennox – Oh great! Well thank you very much! So what am I supposed to do now?
Albert – Can’t you come back first thing in the morning?
Lennox – No I can’t – I have got other things to do you know! Oh well, I suppose there’s nothing else for it!
Lennox goes over to the door and locks it.
Lennox (Cont’d) – We’ll have to wait!
Del – Eh, wait? What are you talking about. Well that’s 14 hours!!
Lennox – Look, I don’t wanna stay in here any more than what you do! But have you any idea how much is in that safe? There’s about sixty grand!
Rodney – You’re kidding.
Mr Peterson – I’m afraid not, Friday is our busiest day.
Lennox – (To Del, tapping his temple) See planning! Let’s all settle down now. It’s only 14 hours, it’ll soon go. Sit down!!
Del – (To Rodney) And I had a date tonight too, with that croupier bird from the 1-11 Club. Charming sort. She’s well spoken, cordon blue cook and does the business! It could be months before I have another crack at her!
Rodney – Yeah, I am well choked for you, ain’t I.
It is later. The room is in darkness. Everyone is sitting, fear having been replaced by boredom.
Rodney – (Quietly to Del) Got any cigars on you?
Del – No, no, I smoked me last one about an hour ago. Anyway this’ll help you to pack it up, won’t it, eh?
Rodney – Oh yeah, a gun at yer head’s just the sort of incentive you need innit!
Del – (Referring to Lennox) He ain’t gonna hurt no one! He’s just a kid tryin’ to get some money. He’s more frightened than us.
Rodney – Aah bless him!
Del – Are you still there son?
Lennox – Yeah, what d’you want?
Del – Just wondering about if we can have some lights on. You know, see what we was up to, know what I mean.
Lennox – But passers-by might see the light!
Del – No, no, not if you pull the blinds, right?
Lennox Oh yeah! (To Tom) Okay, I want you to do exactly as I say.
Tom – Anything you say son, you’re the boss.
Lennox – I want you to switch the lights on then pull them blinds down.
Del – No, no, hang on. What you want to do is pull down the blinds then switch on the light!
Lennox – Oh yeah, thanks. Right, I want you to pull them blinds then…
Tom – Yes, yeah I think I’ve got it!
He pulls the blinds down and switches the desk lamp on.
Lennox moves over to Del.
Lennox – D’you know what the police have nicknamed me?
Del – I’ve got a shrewd idea, but no, go on!
Lennox – I’m known as The Shadow! Because I’m fast and fleeting, I come and I go and no-one knows!
Del – Come and go do you? It’s gonna take you 14 bleedin’ hours to come and go in here!
Albert – I’ve known epidemics come and go quicker than you!
Lennox – I didn’t know that safe was on a time lock. No, I’m a man of mystery me! A master of disguises – a man of a thousand faces! Do you remember the Scarlet Pimpernel?
Rodney – That weren’t you was it?
Lennox – No, but I’m like him! They seek him here, they seek him there, those policemen seek him everywhere. Is he in Heaven, or is he in Hell, that damned elusive Sh-a-dow!
Del – Yeah, that’s er, good, very, very good, that’s good that. So the police are looking for The Shadow are they?
Lennox – They’ll never catch him!
Del – No, no, but I et Hank Marvin’s had a few tugs though!
Lennox laughs with Del. The phone on the desk rings.
Lennox – What’s that??
Mr Peterson – It’s the phone.
Lennox – I know it’s the phone! I ain’t stupid! I mean who is it??
Mr Peterson – Well it’s a little difficult to tell at this stage!
Albert – You’d better let him answer it son, it might be his wife.
Rodney – Oh yeah, she’s got entrecote rioja.
Lennox – Oh I’m sorry to hear that! Well go’n then, find out how she is.
Mr Peterson – Yes! Peterson? (Hand over mouthpiece) It’s security, they’re about to shut up… (On phone) Yes, you can switch the alarm system on.
Tom – Oi, oi, oi, I’m the Head of Security! (Grabbing phone) You can switch the alarm system on, yes!
Mr Peterson – There you are you see, everything’s alright now.
Lennox – Yeah? You don’t mind if I double-check do ya?
Lennox checks through the blinds.
Albert – (To Rodney and Del) He’s becoming more nervous and agitated! They’re the danger signs in a situation like this!
Del – I’ve told you, he’ll be alright, he’ll be good as gold as long as we don’t upset him! He’s just a kid.
Albert – That’s what makes him dangerous! A nervous kid, hair trigger! Put ’em together and…
Rodney – You’re a cheerful old bark ain’t yer?
Albert – One of us has got to create a distraction! So that the other two can grapple with him and disarm him!
Lennox – (To the Trotters) What are you whispering about?
Del – It’s alright son, nothing, alright, alright, no problem.
Albert – Do you mind if I stand up a bit and walk round?
Lennox – Why?
Albert – I’ve got a bit of cramp in me leg.
Lennox – Go on then. No sudden movements though!
Del – Sudden movements, him!?
Rodney – The closest he gets to a sudden movements when he wipes the cobwebs off his head!
Albert – Ooh that’s better!
Albert suddenly clutches his chest as if in pain. He contorts his face and starts wobbling.
Albert (Cont’d) – Aaahhggg! Aaaaggghh!
Albert lowers himself to the floor and kicks his right leg in the air a bit. None of the others show a flicker of emotion. Albert’s eyes open on the floor and he surveys the room. Realising his ploy hasn’t worked he gets to his feet and sits back down. Nothing is said.
Rodney – (To Albert) You got any tobacco on you?
The next morning. The clock says 7.30am. Everyone in the office is asleep. Lennox is asleep, his head on the desk. He is not holding the gun but it is very close to his hand. There are noises outside.
Del – What’s that noise?
Albert – Weren’t me!
Mr Peterson – It’s the staff arriving.
Del – What time d’you open?
Mr Peterson – 8.30am.
Rodney – We’ve been here 13 an ‘alf hours! Don’t time fly when you’re in good company.
Tom – Only ‘alf hour to go and it’ll all be over.
Del – (Looking at the sleeping Lennox) The old Shadow’s looking pretty knackered ain’t he, eh?
Tom – With proper training you can condition your body to do without sleep. I learnt that out in Kenya.
Rodney – What, you got a branch out there then?
Tom – No, no! When I was younger I did a bit of traveling. I ended up doing five years with the Kenyan Police Force. I was out there during the trouble with the Mau Mau.
Albert – He’s too young to know what that means. He most probably thinks the Mau Mau is the African Post Office!
Rodney – We did modern history at school, didn’t we, mouthy?
Rodney’s attention is drawn to the desk and the sleeping Lennox.
Tom – Judging by all them ribbons you must have seen a bit of action Albert?
Rodney stands and very slowly and very cautiously begins moving towards the desk.
Albert – Yeah. I was in the Navy, Royal and Merchant. I’ve seen things that would make yer teeth itch! But I never talk about it though. Sharks! Don’t talk to me about sharks! I’ve seen ’em 50 foot long! Monsters they were!
Rodney is getting closer and closer to the desk.
Del – Yeah, he thinks that Jaws was a stickleback! Oi Rodney! What the bloody hell d’you think you’re playing at???
Rodney – Ssshhhh!
Del – Rodney…
Albert – Rodney – come back here and sit down son!
Tom – Don’t do anything rash son, it ain’t worth it!
Mr Peterson – For God’s sake there’s only 30 minutes to go!!
Rodney’s nerves are at breaking point. As he reaches the desk a floorboard creaks. Lennox stirs at the sound. Rodney stops. He reaches out across the desk, his hand inching towards the gun. His hand moves past the gun and picks up a pack of fags. He turns triumphantly.
Del – You plonker!!
Lennox – (Waking) What you doing??
Rodney – Nothing! I just fancied a fag that’s all!
Lennox – Well why didn’t you ask me? There’s no need to steal!
Rodney – No, sorry!
There is the sound of a car outside.
Lennox – What was that??
Mr Peterson – It’s the staff arriving.
Lennox – (Checks watch) They start early don’t they? Quarter past four!
Tom – It’s half past seven!
Lennox – Bloody watch! So, only ‘alf an hour to go! It’s sad really. We might never meet again.
Del – We could always hold a reunion next year, if you like.
Lennox – (Pointing gun at Del) I remember who you are now!
Del – No, no. It’s alright son – you can have a full rebate, no problems, alright.
Lennox – You’re er…oh what is it? No, don’t tell me! Tel. No, Del…Del Trotter! Right? Don’t you recognise me?
Del – Well you’re a master of disguise ain’t yer!
Lennox – D’you remember Roseanna Gilbey? West Indian lady, lives down Cutler Road… Years ago you used to come round on the weekly and that, selling shoes Del.
Del – Yes I remember, and that was you??
Lennox – Don’t you remember her little boy?
Del – No, no. You’re not little… Lennox!
Lennox – That’s right! It’s me – Lennox Gilbey!
Del – Lennox Gilbey. I don’t believe it! Stone me. Last time I saw you, you was about that high! Cor dear, doesn’t time fly, eh? So what you doing with yourself now?
Lennox – Oh well, I’m on the dole Del.
Del – Oh yeah, how’s your mum?
Lennox – She’s alright, suffers from her feet a bit, but…
Del – Yeah, well, but she would. Wait, hang about. I remember your mum. I remember – very straight lady, proud, church goer and all that!
Lennox – Yeah, she won’t know nothing about this Del.
Del – Oh no. So how you gonna explain say sixty grand, eh? Christmas bonus from the Job Centre? Listen Lennox, there are millions of people out there in the same boat as you! But they don’t go round robbing everyone!
Lennox – Look I haven’t had a job right in six years!
Del – Well nor has Rodney!
Lennox – I’ve got no future!
Del – Nor has Rodney!
Lennox – Look I haven’t done a day’s work since I left school Del.
Del – It’s a tough old world Lennox, tough world but it doesn’t give you the right to go round pointing guns at people! (Referring to the gun) That thing’s gonna put you in prison!
Lennox – No, I’m too shrewd!
Del – Oh shrewd, you? Shrewd are you? Very shrewd.
Lennox – Yeah!
Del – An hour ago you were The Shadow right, man of mystery. Now we know your name, your address and your mum’s shoe size! Give it up Lennox before it’s too late, eh? That gun doesn’t suit you!
Lennox – In 20 minutes Del I’ll be rich!
Del – And in 30 minutes you’re gonna be banged up! I’ll tell you what shall I? Just review the situation for a second. All the staff have arrived, right. They’re starting to work out there. And you’ve gotta walk through ’em, ain’t ya? They’re all out there – shelf-packers, the porters, the cleaners, the security men! The shop doesn’t open till half past eight, right. So in order for you to get out, you’ve gotta go up, ask them to get the keys to let you out!!!
Albert – Before you can say ‘police sniper’ there’ll be more lead flying about than a fight in a scrap yard!
Rodney – You’d never reach your getaway car.
Lennox – Get-away car! I knew there was something…Here look Del, I didn’t wanna go through with this right. I just got…I just got a bit desperate!
Del – It’s alright, it’s alright. I know son, I know alright.
Lennox – And the police didn’t really nickname me The Shadow! I’m not known by the police! I’ve never done anything like this before!
Del – Look, now listen to me, listen, you give it up before it’s too late! I’ll tell you what I’ll do, I’ll come down the court with ya, and speak for ya.
Lennox – (To Mr Peterson) You said it would be easy!!
Mr Peterson – Shut up you fool!!
Lennox – I’ve been set up for this Del!
Rodney – You??? You and…Lennox??
Lennox – He said I’d just walk out with the money!
Mr Peterson – And you could have if you’d been here at five o’clock as arranged!!
Del – That’s it, innit. Of course – it’s been worrying me all night this has. I mean to say, how did Lennox know so much about this place? How did he know there was all that money here in the safe, and where it was?
Mr Peterson – You must believe me, I didn’t do it purely for the money!
Albert – What d’you do it for then?
Mr Peterson – …Well alright, I did it for the money! But it was simply to pay off my debts! You see I have a wife whose hobby is spending! Twelve thousand pounds for a solarium, fifteen thousand for a swimming pool and now she’s got the estimates on a marble-tiled gazebo! God, we only live in a semi!
Del – Couldn’t you seek professional help?
Mr Peterson – You mean a psychiatrist?
Del – No, I mean a hit-man.
Mr Peterson – No, I couldn’t afford it! This…seemed the only way out.
Rodney – But how did you two ever meet? I mean, I can’t imagine Lennox at the young Tories ball, and well you wouldn’t go down a bomb at the Ram Jam Club, would yer?
Mr Peterson – Lennox came here last year looking for a job.
Lennox – Then we bumped into each other a couple of months ago in court.
Mr Peterson – I’d been summonsed for failure to maintain the repayments on a hire purchase agreement that had been signed by my wife, the fat greedy cow.
Lennox – I was there on an attempted wounding case. Oh, I weren’t the accused Del, I was the victim! Anyway, me and Mr Peterson got chatting and the whole thing started from there.
Albert – Did he supply you with the gun?
Lennox – Oh no! (Indicating Tom) He did!
Del – Chamboussiz nouvelle. Cor dear, would you Adam and Eve it, eh? Dixon of Kuala Lumpur is involved!
Tom – Yeah that’s right, the three of us planned it. But I want you to know I did it purely for the money!
Del – I bet you did.
Tom – I retire in a couple of months’ time and you should have seen the crummy pension this firm was offering me! I was gonna get less than Duncan Goodhew’s barber!
Mr Peterson – We needed Tom in with us for his police experience. He told us what to do, how to make the robbery look genuine.
Rodney – So where did we fit into this?
Tom – Well, it would have looked a bit dodgy wouldn’t it, if the only witnesses to a 60 grand robbery were the store manager and the head of security! No, what we wanted was some independent witnesses!
Del – Oh. I see, so that is why you pulled us in? 14b hours just to provide you with an alibi? Cor, well I’ll…just a minute – give me that here! (Taking gun) Look, where did you get this?
Tom – Out of out toy department.
Del – Yeah – I wondered how long Taiwan had been making Lugers!
Mr Peterson! – So what happens now? Are you going to the police?
Del – Na! I’m gonna phone ’em instead.
Lennox – Del!
Del It’s alright, don’t panic, don’t panic, just winding you up! You are a wally Lennox!
Lennox – Sorry Del!
Del – What is your mum gonna say, eh? Anyway there’s no real harm done right? No one got hurt, nothing got nicked! Now listen to me Lennox, you’re after a job right?
Lennox – I’ve been after one since I left school, Del.
Del – Well I know where there’s one going. And I’m well in with the governor!
Lennox – You’re kidding??
Del – No.
Lennox – You reckon you could swing it for me?
Del – I think so, mind you the job does not become available until… (To Tom) When d’you retire Tom?
Tom – What, him work here – in security??
Albert – Can you think of anyone better? (Referring to Mr Peterson) He’ll know exactly who to keep his eye on!
Del – That’s right, tell me – what would you prefer, young Lennox or Old Bill?
Mr Peterson – Welcome to the firm Lennox!
Tom – I’ll sort you out a uniform, show you yer duties!
Del – That’s it Rodney. Come on Albert, come on, we’re going. We’re leaving. Let’s get out of here! Oh dear.
Rodney – This lot’s gonna have to go straight in the fridge when we get home.
Rodney picks up a French stick and bangs it on the desk. It is rock hard.
Del – (Throws it to Lennox) Here are Lennox, save you buying a truncheon, won’t it, eh? Oh, by the way Mr Peterson, I’m coming back to your shop this afternoon.
Mr Peterson – Why?
Del – ‘Cos I’ve got this funny feeling that I am gonna be your millionth customer! What do you think?
Mr Peterson – I have exactly the same feeling!
Del – You know it makes sense don’t ya? Bonjour.
More episodes from this series of OFAH:
- Only Fools And Horses Series 5 Episode 1 From Prussia With Love Full Script
- Only Fools And Horses Series 5 Episode 2 The Miracle Of Peckham Full Script
- Only Fools And Horses Series 5 Episode 3 The Longest Night Full Script
- Only Fools And Horses Series 5 Episode 4 Tea For Three Full Script
- Only Fools And Horses Series 5 Episode 5 Video Nasty Full Script
- Only Fools And Horses Series 5 Episode 6 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Full Script
- Only Fools And Horses Series 5 Episode 7 A Royal Flush Full Script